Full Face of Free Beauty Samples

Hello friends! I recently noticed that my stash of free samples was beginning to overflow. Hence, something needed to be done about that problem. I figured, why not do an entire face of free samples? That’s hip, that’s unique, right? Well, whatever it is, it’s also kind of a first impressions style blog since I’ve [...]

J.Cat Beauty Pris-Metal Chrome Eye Mousse Review

I realized I haven’t done a review on a singular product since March. That needed to be changed! These J.Cat Beauty Pris-Metal Chrome Eye Mousse are by no means new in the makeup world, but they are to me. I’ve seen these floating around the beauty community on Instagram and finally decided I needed at [...]

Full Face of the Oldest Makeup I Own

I got this idea after watching Samantha Ravandahl use some of her old favorite makeup products. Although she didn’t use the oldest makeup from her collection, I thought this might be an interesting little twist. Although I try to declutter my collection as often as possible, I’m definitely guilty of being a hoarder. Even if [...]

7 Coveted Makeup Hacks I’ve Learned from Beauty Gurus

Who doesn’t love a good makeup hack? I know I do. If there’s a chance of making my makeup application easier or more flawless, I want to be let in on the secret. Over the years, I’ve watched a dumb amount of beauty related videos and adopted a few tips and tricks along the way. [...]