Decluttering My Makeup Collection Part 3

Hello, hello! I’ve been doing decluttering posts quite frequently on my blog because I recently discovered that I have too much shit. When it comes to items that aren’t beauty related I’m pretty good at throwing unnecessary things away. However, my beauty collection is my pride and joy. (I can feel some of you already [...]

Decluttering My Makeup Collection

Hi friends! If you don’t follow me on Instagram (@atleastelyse for all of you asking) let me recap where I’ve been for the past few weeks. Right after the holidays, I finally got my first big girl job! It has been consuming most of my time, but I am extremely happy to start my professional [...]

Declutter With Me (Getting Rid of Makeup I Don’t Need)

Hi, my name is Elyse and I am a beauty hoarder. There comes a time when you have to admit you have a problem and this is me doing that. To be honest, I find it hard to part with makeup for many reasons. The first and most obvious is that I don’t like to [...]