May Beauty Favorites | 2020

Hey, hey! Well we’ve conquered another month. At least that’s what it feels like lately. To be quite honest, I didn’t play around with too much makeup in May. I’ve been feeling a little uninspired lately and my skin desperately needed some TLC after going through a pretty bad breakout. That being said, I still [...]

February Beauty Favorites | 2020

Wow, look at me posting on time this month. What a concept. Ok, let’s get on with the good stuff. February came and went in a blink. Along the way, there’s been a lot of new items I’ve discovered and never talked about on the blog before. So, what are you waiting for? Scroll to [...]

Late 2019 Empties

I’m gonna make this intro quick and snappy because there is A LOT to get to. I have no idea what has gotten into me these past few months, but I’ve used up almost too many products. My last empties post honestly wasn’t even that long ago. Whatever the case may be, let’s get into [...]

November Beauty Favorites

I cannot believe, dare I say, it’s almost Christmas! Fall seemed to come and go, even though it’s technically not winter for a few more weeks. However, Jersey has snow on the ground, so I’m calling it early this year. Hang on. Pause. Before I get ahead of myself any more, let’s recap by beauty [...]

October Beauty Favorites

Hello, hello! October was the busiest month I’ve had in a while, yet I still got to play with a lot of makeup. I’ll chalk that up as a major win. Hopefully this trend continues through November. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves though. Keep on reading to find out what I’ve been loving lately! [...]

The Best Makeup for Traveling

I will never understand people who enjoy packing. The idea of forgetting something I need is overwhelming and forces me to check my bags a million times over. As if packing clothes and toiletries isn’t hard enough, makeup is an entirely different issue. How can I create a good look without my entire collection in [...]