July Beauty Favorites

Where did July even go? I know I spent a solid day binging Stranger Things 3, but c’mon so did everybody else. Anyway, I rediscovered my love for a lot of products this month and of course there’s some newer items scattered about. Keep on reading to find out what made the list! BH Cosmetics [...]

Makeup Products I’m Giving Up On

There are some products I try and hate instantly. Usually, I’m good at returning them immediately or passing them down to friends in hopes of better luck. And then there are some products that I try so desperately to get to work but, in the end they disappoint. These are those products. Tarte Shape Tape [...]

Thoughts on Makeup Shaming

“Why are you wearing so much eyeshadow/foundation/makeup?” If you’ve been asked this or a variation of the question, you have been makeup shamed. It sucks, plain and simple. Sure, the person who asked the question might not have meant it in a demeaning way. Maybe they were secretly curious or envious and just asked wrong. [...]