September Beauty Favorites

September was a good makeup month. Like a really good one. I dabbled with a lot of different stuff and rediscovered some oldies, but goodies. There were also some new products that captured my heart in a very brief period of time. Without me generalizing any more, let’s get into specifics! J.Cat Beauty Pris-Metal Chrome [...]

Fall Beauty Essentials

Ah, fall. The season of chunky sweaters, pumpkin spiced lattes, and too many apple picking Instagram posts. (Sorry in advance!) In all honesty though, fall is my absolute favorite season. Watching the Jersey leaves change colors is a whole mood while Halloween is easily one of my top three holidays. And of course, who doesn’t [...]

Full Face of the Oldest Makeup I Own

I got this idea after watching Samantha Ravandahl use some of her old favorite makeup products. Although she didn’t use the oldest makeup from her collection, I thought this might be an interesting little twist. Although I try to declutter my collection as often as possible, I’m definitely guilty of being a hoarder. Even if [...]

August Beauty Favorites

I couldn’t tell you where this summer went. Just the other day it was May and I was practically begging for the weather to get warmer. No sense in dwelling on the past though, we have favorites to discuss! Colourpop Just a Tint Lip Crayon in City of Stars: $7 If you keep up with [...]

Summer Beauty Empties

I know summer isn’t over yet, but this will probably be my last empties post before we head into my favorite season. Did I already start listening to The Nightmare Before Christmas soundtrack though? Maybe. Anyway, keep reading to find out what products I’ve used up recently and if I liked them! Thayer’s Cucumber and [...]

July Beauty Favorites

Where did July even go? I know I spent a solid day binging Stranger Things 3, but c’mon so did everybody else. Anyway, I rediscovered my love for a lot of products this month and of course there’s some newer items scattered about. Keep on reading to find out what made the list! BH Cosmetics [...]

Declutter With Me (Getting Rid of Makeup I Don’t Need)

Hi, my name is Elyse and I am a beauty hoarder. There comes a time when you have to admit you have a problem and this is me doing that. To be honest, I find it hard to part with makeup for many reasons. The first and most obvious is that I don’t like to [...]

No Foundation Makeup Routine

Finding the perfect foundation is damn near impossible. However, it’s a crucial step for me in my makeup application process. Everything besides primer sits on top of it, so in order for the rest of my face to look good, the base needs to be flawless. Here’s the real deal. Foundation only looks flawless if [...]

June Beauty Favorites

Hello again! It is finally summer and for that I am thrilled. I have recently been experimenting with makeup in a lot of different ways. Stay tuned for more coming soon. For now, here are some favorites of the past month!  Hawaiian Tropic Silk Hydration After Sun Lotion: $6.79 @ Target I’m convinced this is [...]